Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Favorite Books for Toddlers (as of this posting!)

Here is a list of some of my all-time favorite books for reading to Toddlers!
When I choose a book to read aloud at Toddler Story Time I consider books that have:
  • Large, colorful pictures of easily recognizeable objects
  • Few words per page
  • Opportunities to speak in funny voices! (ex. as a squeaky mouse, as a growling bear, etc.)
  • Interactive elements (ex. do you see the bear? what does a bear say?) or repeating phrases
  • Fun elements! (ex. lift-the-flap, text that can be spoken or sung, pop-ups, fold-outs, etc.)
From Head to Toe From Head to Toe by

Kids can do the actions while book is read - hop, crawl, slither, fly, swim.
Silly element each time the animal that doesn't "hop" etc. is mentioned- "cows hop...NO THEY DON'T!"

Peek-a-who? Peek-a-who? by
Also works really well for baby story time - captured their attention and gave opportunity to talk about animal noises.
I Spy With My Little Eye I Spy With My Little Eye by

Little White Duck Little White Duck by

I sing "let's play in the forest while the wolf is not around" and all the kids/parents say with me "wolf, are you there?"

Down by the Station Down by the Station by

Clip-Clop Clip-Clop (Mr. Horse) by

Kids can point to various parts of their body when mentioned in book - even very young children can do this.